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Contrat doctoral : "Gender issues as an ethical perspective for the Learning machine: The case of video game design" (2019-2022)

Présentation de la proposition de contrat :

Gender studies would demonstrate that the design of multiplayer video games (aesthetic, semiotic and moral dimensions) contributes to the integration of non-emancipatory habits for women (Jo, Jason, 2005 ; Carr, 2006 ; Lignon, 2015).

The societal risk would therefore be that the predictive machine learning applied to the design of video games would be based on mono-cultural gendered habits.

The aim of this PhD is to first analyse how the machine learning in the gaming field risk to reproduce gender stereotypes. In a second step, the perspective will be to build the conditions for cooperation in information and communication sciences/ethics and informatics in order to develop algorithms that do not reproduce gender stereotypes in the design of video games. 

Thesis Direction : Prof. Fabienne Martin-Juchat (Gresec UGA) : 70% & Prof. Thierry Ménissier (IPhiG UGA) : 30 %

Required languages: English or French

TYPE of CONTRACT: Phd, 36 months

JOB STATUS : Full time


CONTRACT STARTING DATE: 01/10/2019 (Project duration: from October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2022)

Bénéficiaire du contrat doctoral au terme du recrutement (09/19) : M. Seddik Benlaksira

Intitulé du projet soumis par le candidat pour le concours de recrutement : « La question du genre comme enjeu éthique pour le machine Learning : le cas des jeux MOBA ». Unité de rattachement : Gresec, UGA.