The Ethics & AI Chair is one of the chairs of the multidisciplinary institute in artificial intelligence of Grenoble MIAI. It aims to develop a philosophical understanding of Artificial Intelligence, through research, training and valorisation. It is rooted in the philosophical discipline and reflects the activities of the Institut de Philosophie de Grenoble (IPhiG), a research unit of the University Grenoble Alpes.
Its activities include meta-ethics, normative ethics, applied ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of law and philosophy of cognition. This variety of points of view gives the Chair a potential for in-depth research on subjects to which the relationship between ethics and AI is giving rise today.
The Chair’s project leader, who is specialized in public ethics and philosophy of innovation, oversees the productive interaction of this variety of perpsectives. The chair contributes to the “Ethics and Society” pillar of MIAI, and maintains a close relationship with the research carried out in the institute’s other pillars. Researchers in computer science are thus invited to sit on the Chair’s Scientific Steering Committee. Through the initiatives and projects it develops, the Chair also brings together researchers from other disciplines from the human and social sciences (such as clinical and social psychology, information and communication sciences, management sciences and marketing).
Scientific challenges:
- What is intelligence (natural, human) in and for artificial intelligence?
- What kind of society “is being promoted through AI”?
- What are the most relevant procedures, rules and values for both the design and the practices and uses of AI?
- What is the right perspective for determining a “democratic” AI?
- What incidence does AI have on (the state of the art of) ethics?
Research Team
Thierry Ménissier
Head of the chair
Full Professor, Philosophy
PhD (Centre Raymond Aron, EHESS Paris), Habilitation to supervise PhD (IEP Grenoble)
Head of the Chair Ethics & AI.
Alessandro Arienzo
Professeur associé d’Histoire de la Pensée Politique et de Philosophie Politique à l’Université “Federico II” de Naples
Thomas BERNS
Professeur de philosophie à l’Université Libre de Bruxelles et Président du Département de Philosophie, Ethique et Sciences des religions et de la laïcité
Professeure des Universités en Sciences de Gestion (spec. Marketing Social), CERAG, Grenoble IAE, Université Grenoble Alpes
Professeure des Universités en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication, Gresec, Université Grenoble Alpes
Maître de conférences, habilité à diriger des recherches, en Intelligence Artificielle à l’Université Grenoble Alpes et membre du Laboratoire d’informatique de Grenoble UMR 5217
Maître de conférences à la Chaire Ethique, technologie et transhumanismes, ETHICS EA 7446, Université catholique de Lille.
Alain Létourneau
Professeur titulaire, Département de philosophie et d’éthique appliquée, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Docteure en droit privé, Université Grenoble Alpes
Maître de conférences à la Chaire Ethique, technologie et transhumanismes, ETHICS EA 7446, Université catholique de Lille.
Alain Létourneau
Professeur titulaire, Département de philosophie et d’éthique appliquée, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Phd Team
Chloé Bonifas
PhD student
“L’imaginaire et la pratique de la performance : mise en perspective en milieu professionnel à partir de Hannah Arendt” (sous la direction de Th. Ménissier, IPhiG UGA)
Alexandre Bretel
PhD student
“The contribution of the philosophy of technology to the ethics of
artificial intelligence: Study of the notion of responsibility applied
to the technological civilization and the society of innovation” (codirection Th. Ménissier, IPhiG UGA & J.-G. Ganascia, LIP6, Université Paris 6)
Louis Devillaine
PhD student
“The uses of artificial intelligence in complex technical systems: organisational, social, political and ethical issues.”
(Co-directorship, Thomas Reverdy, Pacte and Grenoble INP & Th. Ménissier, IPhiG UGA)